Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ski trip stuff, Sunday Seattle visit, and next week's youth group!

Here's the scoop! 

Some people that paid to go on the ski trip could not make it due to sickness or other issues. You can checkout the ski trip flyer posted on this blog a couple of weeks ago for more information. On the flyer you will find that after January 13th you can receive 1/2 back. Here are a few of the reasons why we have to do this.

1. The renters of accommodations charges a certain amount and so I see how many people might show up and divide the cost by the number of people. So if people drop out at the last minute the price for the accommodation does not change and I can't go back and say to the ones that are going, "I know I told you $100.00 but at the last minute 3 people dropped out so the price is now $120.00."

2. In the past I had several people sign up for the ski trip and at the last minute they decided that they had something better to do. By requiring people to put a nonrefundable deposit down it holds people at their word because there is money riding on it. Next year I am going to make a change that if a person cancels within the week of the ski trip that person would not be entitled to get anything back for the reasons mentioned above. The only exception is if a person finds someone to go in their place and then that person would pay the person that could not make it. This person would also have to be approved by the youth leaders before that person can go.

3. We really need to have a accurate count because numbers change everything. For this past weekend if we had 20 renters in our group we could have gotten about a 20% discount b/c we would be considered a group. If we had 20 renters and 1 or 2 people pulled out that changes the cost for everyone.

4. This is an extremely great deal because many youth groups tack on the cost for each of the leaders to the student's cost and also the cost of food. How we do it is that both the food and the youth leaders costs are taken care of by the youth offering and donations.

Some of you might question why youth leaders don't have to pay. The answer is that some of them due (they will not let me pay for them) but another reason is that they work their tail off preparing for the trip, organizing for the trip, and in some cases they take off of work so they are loosing money to go on the weekend. Over the many years of youth ministry I find that you have to take care of your volunteers because there would be not youth ministry without them.

The purpose of this post was not to call anyone out or shame anyone but to inform people on 0what it takes to organize something like the ski trip. I also wanted to post it so that in the future I can send people with questions to this post instead of rewriting all the information. Check with your teachers and coaches to see what they go through as they plan away games and other activities to get a full perspective.

Ok, moving on....

This Sunday Ria and I will be taking people down who want to visit Lee Sue at the Ronald McDonald House in Seattle. If you are interested please let me know because we have limited space. We can take 9 people in the church van so let me know today.

-Departure: meet by the church van at 12:15 (after the morning service)

-What to bring:
1. Snack: eat a snack before we leave or bring one with you. We are going to try to pick Lee Sue up and take her out to eat in China town if I can find it :)
2. Money for a late lunch and possibly dinner
3. (Optional) you could bring a silly hat for Lee Sue, a good book, her favorite food, a game that she can play in the hospital, a photograph of you, a stuffed animal, flowers, or anything else that would encourage her.
4. Your healthy body. Because Lee Sue's doing chemotherapy, her immune system is weak. If you have a bad cold or the flu it's best that you wait until another time.

-Return: we will leave between 5:00 and 6:00 pm from Seattle and arrive in Lynden between 7-8 pm.

If you want to join us send an email (, Facebook me, call me (360-nine 27-nine 722), or text me.

Our next youth group is our family dinner! YES! We are going to be at Molly and Mindy's home. If you can make it, meet at church at 6:45 or at Molly and Mindy's home at 7:00 pm. I hope you can make it.

Some advanced notice: For our next Family dinner on Wednesday, February 20th we will be meeting at church for a Chinese New Year's celebration. We are asking that each Chinese student bring a traditional dish for us for dinner. Since I don't know the names of the dishes I am asking if there is a international student that would like to come up with a menu so that each student brings a different thing.

Why isn't our next family dinner on February 27th? Because the 27th is the start of your midwinter break and several people usually attend the state basketball tournaments or go with their family on a mini vacation.

Also, we are going to be celebrating Andrew and Stephanie's baby boy named "Daniel" (just kidding about the name---this is the name that their baby should be named but I guess I will have to let them decide since Stephanie is doing all the hard work for him). This is an opportunity to show our love for Andrew, Stephanie, and the little ankle-biter/poop factory that should be here in March.

I am very excited for this little guy to come. Not only because Stephanie is going to get to the point where she will do anything to see her feet again but also because Andrew is going to make a great Dad...Andrew will you be my daddy?

It's traditional to bring a gift for the baby or their parents. The baby is registered on Target's gift registry and there might be something that you can go in on with others.  If you can buy a gift that would be great, but if your strapped for cash don't worry about it...Calm will pay for the gift for you :) No seriously don't worry about it...just come and celebrate.
More information to follow.

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