It's going to be a blast. Here are the people that I need your help to encourage to come: Tyler, Tanisha, Nathan, Taylor, Megan, Grant, Pamela, anyone that I have missed.
Youth Group on Wednesdays:
This year we will be diving into 1 & !! Timothy and Titus for our Bible discussion. We will discuss what these passages have to say to us in 2012. We will also do the normal stuff (food, games, zany competitions, and just plain hanging out). We meet most every Wednesday from 7:30-9:00 pm at Church.
There is one big change this year and that is on the last Wednesday of the month we will be having a family dinner together hosted by one of our leaders. On these nights you can meet at the leaders home or be picked up at church at 6:45 pm.
The Big Kickoff:
To kick the year off we are staring with a bonfire at the river Wed. September 12th leaving the church parking lot at 7:30pm. We will bring the snacks, wood, fire, heat, leftover fire works, and our wonderful personalities. You need to bring something to sit on (optional), leftover fireworks, maybe a jacket, and your wonderful personalities.
If anyone has a potato gun that they can bring please let Dan know.
The fast and easy survey:
If you have not completed the survey I sent you please, please do so now. It has stuff that I need to know like what kind of frosting you like on your cupcakes. If I don't get your survey you will be getting garlic flavored cupcakes with avocado frosting. Here is the link: --Thanks for your help.
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