Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dare to Share January 23rd-24th

Instead of going skiing this year we are trying something new! We are going to the Dare to Share youth conference in Renton, WA. There is going to be great speakers and great bands in this 2 day event.

Cost is $75.00 and includes breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, transportation, and lodging

Check out these web sites you might have to cut and past the link into your web browser.

Information on Dara to Share:

Here is the video from Dare to Share:

Here is the website of the hotel we will be staying at:

Please let me (Dan) know if you need some financial assistance.



Monday, October 13, 2014

Here's what's up PEEPS

Wednesday, October 15th "What's Love Got To Do With It" W/ Ria

Wednesday, October 22nd "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" W/ Andrew and Dan

Wednesday, October 29th--Laser tag in Canada... 7:00 pm at church, Bring: $10.00 and for those who have not filled out the "Youth Group Medical Release & Permission Slip Form" please bring your completed one.

Wednesday, November 5th "Home of the Free Because of the BRAVE" Guest night

Tuesday, November 11th "Stars, Stripes, and Spaghetti" High School Youth Group Spaghetti dinner fundraiser...

Parents: make desserts and help (if they can)
Students: help, and serve

Wednesday, November 12th possible movie night in the loft with Ria :)

Wednesday, November 19th  "Gobble until you Wobble"

Wednesday, November 26th---Thanksgiving Eve---no youth group